Horoscopes December 2019 and January 2020
By: Annie Larson, certified psychic medium & astrologer
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Jupiter arrives in Capricorn, December 2nd to inspire your life’s view. Happy Birthday! The first week of December with Neptune’s favorable relationship to Jupiter all seems possible! Saturn also in Capricorn reminds you to stay grounded and double check plans. Fiery Mars moves into Sagittarius January 2nd ratcheting up intensity; be aware of your impact on others. Saturn conjunct Pluto January 12th is a great time to organize your money or deal with your past issues with cash. Take out a loan or consolidate your debts.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) December 2nd , generous Jupiter enters Capricorn transiting your house of career with great support from the Sun and Neptune. It’s a great time to turn arts and healing into a career. As the Sun enters Capricorn December 21st along with Saturn’s position, you will gain perspective on this. The solar eclipse in Capricorn, December 26th brings the birth of a baby or other momentous event. You will end the year on a high note. Saturn is on your side in Capricorn with a conjunct with Pluto January 12th, you are discerning and cunning. Financial gains the end of January allows for you to buy those little extras in life. Happy Birthday!
Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) December is a great time to analyze the results of any projects started last January or June when Neptune sextile Saturn. Some may have taken off and some need more time as you continue this venture. All will be revealed over time. The solar eclipse December 26th brings others seeking advice and opinions as people value what you have to say. Jupiter travels through your 12th house until December making this a year of finishing your transformation. A January retreat away (perhaps in silence) would be a perfect way to begin this year.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) Saturn’s retrograde in your house of creativity brings about freedom and ideals that will ultimately bring you what you want in spring 2020. Make room for nirvana as there is magic that Jupiter, in a creative aspect to Neptune, brings. Your attitude towards finances will completely change in 2020. Ask for that promotion and raise as others will appreciate your value. Relationships and living arrangement are reviewed as Venus enters Pisces January 13th. You might want to move or simple redo your décor. You will find yourself in a shopping mode for beautiful things to redecorate.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Jupiter is in your house of relationships offering its energy for good fortune. December 27th look for problems around old relationship. Patience is needed here. In January, take a step back and go on a retreat. Your life-purpose and path may be revealed in the silence. Just as you were getting used to the unpredictability of Uranus in your financial house, big aspects of your finances along with your career come with Saturn conjunct Pluto on January 12th. Your ambitions of the past year will yield great rewards flowing into the next 5 years. Surprise dividends could come from anywhere.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) This has been a year to obtain personal goals that may be realized by year’s end. The solar eclipse on December 26th brings good luck and positive changes when you least expect it. It’s a great time for starting new projects. Jupiter’s transit, in favorable aspect to Neptune, will have you rethinking the future in a positive way. Take time to retreat, read a book, and relax. The lunar eclipse January 10th is emotionally challenging but strengthens your intuition and faith. You may feel more connected in a spiritual way and may seek out gurus, groups, or psychics for more insight.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Mercury, ruler of your sign is in your house of relationships. There is a lot of talk with your loved one, but not a lot of understanding. Saturn benefits in Capricorn with an aspect that will help you get to the root of the issues, if you lead with your heart and not your head. Growth and good luck come with the solar eclipse December 26th. Expect the unexpected. Intuition and self-confidence come with the lunar eclipse January 10th. You may question what you are seeking from life. Find answers by turning inwards. Get quiet.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) The next few months will involve a shift in personal beliefs and taking inventory. Take a day or two to dream and figure out how you will move forward. December 12th through 14th you might be feeling crabbier especially with people not being forthright with you. The full moon in Cancer with the solar eclipse December 26th has you wanting to hold family and relationships even closer! Revel with friends and family as this is a time of good fortune and new beginnings. The lunar eclipse January 10th can be emotionally challenging for you, sensitive Moon Child. Look for an increase in your psychic connections as the veil is thin for you as you connect more deeply with your spiritual path.
Leo (July 23-August 22) New ways of looking at your life and how you communicate are major themes for December as Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2nd. Chiron is in your 6th house with a focus on things that need tending to for healing. If you are considering starting a healing practice, this would be a good time. The solar eclipse in Capricorn brings positive change and exciting new opportunities. The lunar eclipse January 10th can be challenging but probably not for a self-confident Leo. You might look to help others challenged by the emotions of the eclipse. Review your health resolutions for the new year. Have you started? Look at the goals you have set for 2020.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) December brings in a time of well-being and a time to relax. Beneficial Jupiter enters Capricorn December 2nd that has you looking at your spending and saving to make sure they are flowing in the direction towards your financial goals. The solar eclipse December 26th brings abundance. New skills can be added to your resume when Jupiter is joined by your South Node December 27th. This is a time to be spontaneous and explore your creative outlets as 2020 ushers in a year of breaking free from anything that might have been holding you back. You will be an awe at the direction your life will begin to take around the time of the lunar eclipse, January 10th.
Libra (September 23-October 22) December 2nd, Philosophical benevolent Jupiter helps you to formulate what you might want to communicate through speech or writings. With help from Neptune it is a creative time especially in business dealings. By December 26th you can more easily turns thoughts into words. Opportunities for family transformations and breakthroughs in relationships could come by the solar eclipse on December 26th. Old issues can be laid to rest. January 1st you are grounded and present to enjoy the beautiful day if you prepared with time to yourself. You will investigate new classes to follow your heart all while playing by the rules.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) December 1st is a time of happiness when good things flow more easily. Expect good relationships with everyone. Your passion and intensity are heightened with interests in studying further or some long-distance travel. You could increase your wealth through business deals or good luck with benevolent Jupiter in Capricorn December 2nd. Look for joyous distractions over the holidays as you join in merriment with others. January brings a change in how you view your mind, body, spirit connections. This will help in preventing any predisposed medical conditions. Back away from decision making during the lunar eclipse January 10th. The answers will appear when you least expect. Be patient.