Past Life Regression Therapy
Retrieve and release memories from childhood and prior lives to find more peace and joy in the present.
What other lives have you lived? Are there things from past lives that once acknowledged can be resolved or healed? Experience past life therapy techniques, as taught by Dr. Brian Weiss of Many Lives Many Masters, to explore your past lives. Enjoy a deeply relaxing meditation as you are led through memories of this life and past lives or incarnations. Past life regression (PLR) will allow your imagination to participate in the creative process that gives meaning to each moment of awareness. Using hypnosis, coupled with Yoga Nidra you may be able to access deep emotional healing. You will leave feeling relaxed and ready to continue your day.
I am a certified life coach who is trained in Past Life Regression Therapy by Dr. Weiss and a certified experienced yoga teacher with decades of leading and teaching yoga and meditation.
PLR is a safe, intuitive, and healing tool to gain a better understanding of self in this lifetime as it relates to previous life experiences. You don't have to believe in reincarnation to successfully regress.
You may receive intuitive messages, auditory information, vivid images, body sensations and feelings. The amount and intensity of retrieval depends on the depth of relaxation.
Any information that comes from the subconscious mind, whether real or imagined, is helpful without the conscious analytical and logical mind to intervene. Our subconscious mind may uncover guidance in terms of life path and relationships with others.
You may have a life changing shift from just one session, but usually it takes a couple sessions to integrate it into your life path.
A 1970's study, by Dr. Helen Wambach who was one of the earliest scientific researchers into past lives and reincarnation, found that 90 percent of all people who attempt hypnotic regression are able to recall events from a past life! She identified the following traits of past lives and the people who were regressed:
Past lives are mundane.
PLR becomes easier with repetition.
Regressions develop according to meaning and not a historical timeline.
Regressions may affect medical conditions.
Regression may be followed by genuine improvement in mental state.
The PLR experience often mirrors current issues.
PLR events may be viewed in first or third person.
PLR emotions may be re-experienced during a regression.
The person regressed identifies with one character.
The imagery has an uncanny feeling of familiarity.
PLR seem to have a life of their own.
PLR experiences are usually visual.
Preparing for a Past Life Regression by Phone
While PLR doesn't aim to prove the existence of past lives, it offers a unique lens for understanding your present self. PLR explores accessing your subconscious memories and past experiences that may influence your current experiences. I will use relaxation techniques and hypnosis to guide you toward accessing these memories. These experiences can vary greatly.
You might vividly relive scenes from past lives, or you might encounter more subtle emotional echoes. During our session, I'll encourage you to look at who is in your past life, relational issues, recurring patterns, physical ailments, and how you died in that lifetime.
Please read the following to help you create a comfortable environment for your session and have an idea of what to expect as I guide you through a session.
Have a notebook handy so you can document your memories.
Get comfortable and have a blanket handy as you might get cold during your session.
Find a comfortable position where you can relax, but not fall asleep.
Remove all pets from your room. If your dog is barking the entire time, you might have issues going into a deep level of consciousness.
Put a "do not disturb" sign on your front door, and door to your room. Let others in your household know that you don't want to be disturbed. If your child is looking for you and calling your name, you will not be able to relax!
Silence all phones.
Put me on speaker.
Relax. Breath. Prepare to go on an adventure in your mind.
If you are someone who cannot envision scenes in your mind, you might find PLR more challenging.
Be open to feelings and other sensations.
Use your imagination! This is not a time to question, discount, or analyze what you are seeing, sensing, and feeling.
If you have strong skepticism, it's like having a rigid key that won't unlock the door.
An open mind allows for flexibility and exploration.
Staying open creates a "safe space" for your subconscious to reveal itself authentically.
My voice will guide you.
You may answer questions that I ask out loud or you may remain silent.
You will remember everything.
I will first guide you through one or two pleasant early childhood memories to "prime the pump," to past memories.
Then I will guide you backwards, before you were born and into other lives that YOU will pick.
You are always in control!
I will offer guiding questions to explore each life.
My intention is to ask you questions to help you understand what happened in that life that might be affecting you in this lifetime.
I will have you go to different times in each lifetime, including that lifetime's death scene. Again, you are in control and I will guide you safely through.
During the regression, don't be surprised if unusual experiences, emotions, or memories surface. These might not fit neatly into your current understanding of yourself, but that's okay! Try to embrace them with curiosity rather than judgment.
Typically we have time for one or two past lives.
Finally, I'll bring you back to the present where you can reflect and journal any epiphanies in the privacy of your home.