Intuitive, Psychic, and Mediumship Training
Do you sense energy? Do you have precognition or do your dreams come true? Do you feel other people's feelings? Have you ever had a knowing of upcoming events in someone's life? Have you ever felt like someone unrelated to you who had passed away was trying to send a message?
If you have experienced one (or several) of these you might be a "sensitive." My development classes can help you understand more about your abilities and can help you develop skills to readily use them. If you have just a curiosity about intuition, psychic and mediumship, that too is your intuition nudging you to explore more.
To read more about exploring your development path, read my published article on mediumship.
Are you ready to begin your intuitive journey?
All courses are designed for those who are passionate about wanting to develop their own connection to Spirit. The intuitive development course begins your journey by laying the foundation needed to quiet your mind, raise your vibration, and start to open to Spirit by connecting with your own intuitive nature.
My courses not only teach you techniques, they show you how to become a vessel and clear what is blocking your intuition to be able to deliver messages with ease. Then as you progress through courses, you will learn many tools for working with Spirit to deliver readings.
All lessons, assignments, and exercises have been designed to help you navigate the path, develop your unique gifts, and strengthen your overall connection to loved ones on the other side.
All online classes are ongoing and offered on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday mornings. Pick the dates that work for you! "Dates offered," are a suggestion. If another weekday works better for you, let me know and we can try to schedule it. This offer does not extend to weekends.
In person class are offered and are posted in Book Online.
Classes paid for here through the "buy now" button will be held online only. Please don't ask me to change to in person.
I strongly encourage you to begin with the intuitive class and work your way through the training in order.
It has been my experience that trying to put someone in an advanced class before they are ready just leads to frustration.
Class Progression:
Intuitive Development
Psychic Development 1 & 2
Mediumship Development 1-3
Mentorship is available at any stage of development and individualized for your needs; scroll down to learn more
Intuitive Development Class
The intuitive development class is offered, online, in an ongoing basis; Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, 10a-12p.
No prerequisites. Begin your journey learning how to tap into your own voice and intuition. You will focus on the subconscious mind and ways to bring information forward in a useful way. Through lessons, observations, and practice you will begin to rely on your own thoughts and feelings to move you forward.
We will meet for two-2 hours sessions, every other week.
To purchase click, "Buy Now" button.
After purchase fill out class questionnaire.
You will then receive emails to confirm your classes.
One-on-One Mentoring
One-on-one mentoring is offered, online, in an ongoing basis; Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, 10a-11a.
Mentoring is designed for those with limited time or may not have time for a classroom setting. You will receive individual attention geared towards your needs. Times are flexible and class is tailor made for you.
We will meet for two-1 hours sessions, every other week.
To purchase click, "Buy Now" button.
After purchase fill out class questionnaire.
You will then receive emails to confirm your classes.
Psychic Development 1
The psychic development 1 class is offered, online, in an ongoing basis; Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, 10a-12p.
Prerequisite: Intuitive Development Class.
Develop your senses to tap into the energy of another person, place or thing. Through lessons, observations, and practice you will learn how to start the flow of information. This is a hands-on class that is a perfect those who suspect they have abilities but don't know how to use them, want a supportive environment to develop, wish to go beyond their intuition, enhance their energy healing practice (such as Reiki), and/or develop or enhance their mediumship.
We will meet for two-2 hours sessions, every other week.
To purchase click, "Buy Now" button.
After purchase fill out class questionnaire.
You will then receive emails to confirm your classes.
Psychic Development 2
The psychic development 2 class is offered, online, in an ongoing basis; Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, 10a-12p. Prerequisite: Psychic Development 1 class.
Continue to tap into your clair-sense abilities and read other people for yourself or in a professional capacity. We will continue to tap into the energy through lessons, observations, and practice you learn how to work with people, places, and objects. This is a hands-on class that is a perfect those who wish to strengthen their natural abilities.
We will meet for two-2 hours sessions, every other week.
To purchase click, "Buy Now" button.
After purchase fill out class questionnaire.
You will then receive emails to confirm your classes.
Mediumship Development 1
The mediumship development 1 class is offered, online, in an ongoing basis; Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, 10a-12p.
Prerequisite: Psychic Development 2 class.
Begin your journey to tap into spirit and loved ones who have crossed over to deliver evidence of the continuation of life and messages. Through lessons, observations, and practice you will learn techniques to connect and boost your confidence with validations to trust the impressions and information you are receiving. You will begin doing guided practice readings in class with and recorded ones on your own that I will listen to and give helpful, constructive feedback.
We will meet for two-2 hours sessions, every other week.
To purchase click, "Buy Now" button.
After purchase fill out class questionnaire.
You will then receive emails to confirm your classes.
Mediumship Development 2
The mediumship development 2 class is offered, online, in an ongoing basis; Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, 10a-12p. Prerequisite: Mediumship Development 1 class. Continue building your mediumship abilities and strengthening your Clairs. Explore what your natural abilities might be. Through lessons, observations, and practice you will be led through readings to control the flow of information. You'll record readings outside of class for feedback. We'll explore ethics in doing professional mediumship readings.
We will meet for two-2 hours sessions, every other week.
To purchase click, "Buy Now" button.
After purchase fill out class questionnaire.
You will then receive emails to confirm your classes.
Mediumship Development 3
The mediumship development 3 class is offered, online, in an ongoing basis; Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, 10a-12p. Prerequisite: Mediumship Development 2 class. Strengthen skills and improve your connect to the other side. Through lessons, observations, and practice you will learn to employ different techniques to work with one or multiple spirits, refine evidence, conserve energy, improve readings, hone skills, and expand reading techniques.
Two, 2-hour sessions (10a-12p) every other week online.
To purchase click, "Buy Now" button.
After purchase fill out class questionnaire.
You will then receive emails to confirm your classes.