I have a theme word for every year. I usually find my word by doing deep contemplative work while heavily in meditation, sometimes for 8 hours at a stretch. My annual word is useful and guides me throughout the year. Several years ago my word was "yes." I said "yes" to everything and everyone. My world opened up to new and exciting opportunities. With every "yes" my life transformed in positive and wonderful ways.
This year has been different in trying to find my annual word. Life has changed as a new family member was born before Thanksgiving. Time is a commodity best spent with my granddaughter, so there's not time for 8 hours of continuous meditation.
While strolling through my own planetary forecasting, I found my word, "revolution." Seems pretty Che Guevara, kinda bad ass. But there it is; the Sun in strong opposition to Pluto. Cataclysmic change in order to prepare for renewal. A revolution of my own planetary making. But two planets don't tell you everything, there are many more indicators of massive change afoot.
Most of what I see in my own planetary forecast chart is already happening as it began with my last birthday. I would dissolve partnerships, write more, work with the media, commit to long-term endeavors, look at old wounds from relationships, identify dysfunctional patterns of relating, stabilize finances with planning, and so much more.
So let freedom rule the year. Abandon old goals in chaotic pursuit of new ones.
Sounds like a revolution!
"The revolution is made through human beings, but individuals must forge their revolutionary spirit day by day." Ernesto "Che" Guevara