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Astrology Lunar Eclipse Meaning

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

In general, the lunar eclipse January 10th in watery Cancer, where the moon rules, is emotionally challenging but strengthens intuition. We may feel more connected and insightful.

For Cancers, this might be an emotionally challenging time with the moon's darkness. Look for an increase in psychic awareness as the veil is very thin. For Leo the eclipse will have little effect. Virgo's this is your chance to be in the wonderment of how your life is shaping up for 2020. Scorpios should refrain from making any serious decisions. Taurus, where the moon is exalted, may find a different spiritual path.

The eclipse opposing the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto stellium in Capricorn makes for unrest, upheavals, and uncertainty. Communicating difficulties, reshuffling of money and power, and changing the status quo all play a part. This may be a time to take personal inventory of how we fit in organized groups or society. Those at the top of groups (corporations, politics, governments) might find they are ousted or on the bottom by the end of March.

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