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Best Astrology Is This the Dawning of AN Age of Aquarius?

Updated: Feb 6, 2021

By: Annie Larson, certified psychic medium

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Is this the dawning of AN Age of Aquarius?

The last great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius started in January, 1405 the dawn of the Renaissance with the birth of Constantine, which eventually ushered in the Age of Enlightenment. Saturn is the maleficent planet of karma, aging, convention, wisdom, structure, and rules; and Jupiter is the beneficent planet of ideology, growth, healing, good fortune, and prosperity. Aquarius is associated with idealism, modernization, freedom, non-conformance, enlightenment, and philanthropy. This formidable alignment is so significant because it means we’ll continue to have these two planets come together in lighter air signs for the next 39 years.

These two powerhouse planets left earthy Capricorn, where they were in January in an intense stellium that kicked off unfortunate phenomena such as the pandemic. This energy has been with us most of the year with Mars adding its fiery touch when it has squared these outer planets. December 21st, the Winter Solstice, Saturn and Jupiter shimmy up next to each other in a conjunct in Aquarius where Aquarius, the water bearer, can pour new life into both planets. This may not be THE Age of Aquarius, but it will be AN Age of Aquarius.

We will see the tides shift into a new age of consciousness, awareness, and mindfulness, as we witness civilizations fall and a mass shift in our culture. Out with the old stodgy governments and institutions and in with youthful, radiant, kinder ways of doing and being. We collectively will move from the 3rd dimension (Piscean, masculine, and dominating) to the 5th dimension (Aquarian, divine feminine, and cooperative). And you thought the 5th dimension was just a 60s hippy rock band!

As the stars have shared with us, a kinder, gentler society is coming and, as I wrote about before, it tiptoes in with Biden being elected President. I would not be surprised that vaccines might be ready by the end of December, helping to put an end to the pandemic—though I feel we have a long way to go to get back to any sense of “normal,” that I believe will come in 2022.

The stellium in Aquarius will continue the trend. While I did not think McConnell would resume office, it might come with the elections in Georgia, maybe dethroning him as Majority Leader.

In January we will have two Sagittarius (Loeffler and Perdue) up against a Leo (Warnock) and an Aquarian (Ossoff). Loeffler, first decan of Sagittarius, may say things that will deter her success. Ossoff can’t loose in Aquarius energy (especially with the very large stellium in Aquarius coming in February, 2021). Air signs will rule this year. On election confirmation day January 6, 2021, Mars leaves Aries, it’s ruler, in the early evening for Taurus quelling the fires that Mars has ignited since June 27, 2020. Think of the wild fires that raged in the western United States this year! Literally, Mars brought it’s fire igniting forest fires and the pandemic that raged throughout July.

Look for more positive things to happen in February, 2021, as we move into the intense energy of an Age of Aquarius. Stay tuned!

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