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Astrology April/May 2019 Horoscopes

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The later part of April and into May you experience a time of abundance financially from all your hard work and well-planned investments, in contrast to what you experienced at the beginning of 2019. The full moon in Scorpio, May 18, brings financial surprises. May, you are confident and blooming at work. You are unstoppable and move freely through anyone who gets in your way, but that’s a norm for you. May is also a quieter month as Neptune influences your spiritual side. You may explore ancient and sage wisdom that brings a fresh look to who you really are.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Enjoy the beauty and pace of a joyful life as Venus, your ruling planet, influences arts and entertainment throughout April. Uranus end its journey through Aries and moves to Taurus, May 15, as you return to material pursuits and tangible results. Bonuses, payouts, and earrings that you are expecting may be delayed. Time to adjust your budget till this passes the later part of May. You may experience physical issues, such as pressure in your head or headaches, in and around May 21. Clear stagnant energy and thoughts by spending more time outdoors.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Spring is here and thoughts of weddings is ripe this year as Jupiter has parked, and continues to reside, in your marriage house throughout the year. Living arrangements change starting in May as perhaps you move into new, shared housing with a love interest or partner. This is a good year for partnerships of any kind. While overall, a good year for financial independence, during Venus retrograde April 4-May 16, and Saturn retrograde starting April 30, you can expect to work even harder for your money with some tough financial decisions to make until September.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The new moon in Aries on April 5, brings new prospects for professional growth. Follow your intuition, moon child, and believe in your abilities. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, April 24, brings transformations to both professional and personal partnerships. There is a need for change here and it will come at the right time. The new moon in Taurus, May 4, brings good fortune to those in sales and finance, especially those professionals that travel. The full moon in Scorpio, May 18, will bring in new ideas and ways to make money. Combine this with the Venus transit in your second house, you will find additional income to pamper yourself (perhaps a day at the spa!).

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Tempers flare from too much pressure you’re feeling at work and at home as Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto go retrograde beginning April 10. By April 30, you will need to take time to step away from everyone to connect with your feelings. You’ll welcome May with a fresh outlook. Uranus end its journey through Aries and moves to Taurus, May 15, that has you reexamining a job that doesn’t support your creativity and raison d'être. May 18, with the full moon in Scorpio, is a good time to manage long term gains and investments and enjoy spending the fruits of your labors.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Jupiter retrograde April 10 has you trying to understand your partner or loved one and your relationship. Perhaps you are expecting too much from him/her. April 24, Pluto turns retrograde in Capricorn, that turns your focus to things related to real estate and renovations. Disagreements might bring a source of stress with a partner or loved one on April 23 and 24. April 30, Saturn turns retrograde in Capricorn, that enables you to finish all your projects that you love so much, with precise detail. Enjoy a time of harmony and popularity with friends and pride in all your achievements. The full moon, May 18 in Scorpio, brings short trips for personal or professional development. You have a greater interest in your spiritual growth.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Jupiter retrograde, April 10, brings optimism, good relationships, and a bit of luck all around. Pay special attention to any health concerns. Saturn and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, April 24 and 30, leads to new ambitions for finding love or a life companion, and the luxury that money can supply. Your goals remain unrealized. Keep focused and remain patient. April 20, Venus enters Aries that brings a source of frustration and emotional instability. Your charms won’t work during this transit. May 18, with the full moon in Scorpio your motivation returns, and you will make remarkable progress especially in your career.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

April is a good time to meet new friends or fall in love. Retrograde Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto (one of your rulers) continue to be your allies though not without conflict. Take it easy during this time beginning April 10, and strictly follow doctor’s advice April 24. Life has its many ups and downs as Uranus returns to Taurus, May 15. Time to strap in and brace yourself for the bumpy road ahead. Venus joins Uranus in Taurus May 18 that brings a change for the better in your love life. Wedding bells will ring or break ups will ensue. Expect to overcome an emotional blockage.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Benevolent Jupiter in retrograde April 10 has you establish romance with possibilities of an engagement or finding “the one.” April 24 with Pluto retrograde in Capricorn your interests and ambitions center around home and real estate. You have opportunities to express your entrepreneurial side as you look for investments. The full moon in Scorpio, May 18, is an ideal time to start a new creative activity to express yourself. Venus joins Uranus in Taurus May 18 that bring sudden awakenings and releases. Relationships begin or end. Income rises or falls. You will be drawn to the unusual whatever you decide.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Jupiter’s retrograde April 10 brings a fresh look at old relationships. Saturn (your ruling planet) retrograde in Capricorn April 30, finds your goals for success will be delayed or postponed. Expect obstacles and breathe through these pitfalls. It is a time of patience and perseverance until September 28. It’s best to keep a low profile during this time. Pluto’s retrograde April 24 destroys everything not authentic or deficient. The full moon in Scorpio, May 18, brings journeys to study perhaps mystical things far away from home. Focus on one new thing to learn else you might be overwhelmed and fail to meet with the success you seek.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Career becomes your focus beginning April 10. You are inspired and forward thinking, fresh with new concepts. An older person will be instrumental in your career growth. Look for major career opportunities as Pluto goes retrograde April 24 and career success in the full moon May 18. The end of April and into May extraordinary events bring a past relationship back into your life. Saturn, ruler of karma, brings him or her back to examine this old connection. This connection might feel parental. May 18 brings sudden movement in your home. Look forward to hanging out with friends.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

April 10 and April 30 brings many chances for travelling to the beach or a lake, a Piscean dream to be near water. Your interests turn to the metaphysical and spiritual pursuits for study, as you seek an authentic path. Concerns about money April 24 bring favor through savvy negotiations on your part. April through July deadlines are tight, and your leadership skills come into play. Time to shine as you have the energy and drive to get things done. April showers bring May flowers as everything goes your way in May. Freelance opportunities in the full moon in May, can bring you significant extra income. Karmic ties could revive an old friendship May 20 through June 23.

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