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Astrology February/March 2020 Horoscopes

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

Horoscopes February/March 2020 as published in Posh Seven Magazine

By: Annie Larson, certified psychic medium & astrologer

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) Venus, planet of love, in fiery Aries, February 7th allows your social side to shine, though a close friend challenges your patience until March. Mercury, the messenger planet, enters your sign March 4th. Look for legal and other matters to be settled even as Mercury retrogrades. An expected meeting brings exciting new prospects. Watch finances regarding home and family. Again, patience is needed especially during the full moon March 9th. Avoid risky investing through the end of March.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) Jupiter, your ruler, in sextile with Neptune on February 20th gives you a lighter more confident feeling. Jupiter continues to comfort you well into March, providing you great insight that encourages you to take more risks. February 23rd the new moon in Pisces brings a brief visit with an old friend. Time to let go of old resentments. With Venus and Mercury in your sign, take time to showcase your talents. During Mercury’s retrograde in Aquarius March 4th it’s a good idea to keep life simple. Be mindful of your possessions. Legal agreements are favorable in the later part of March.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Mars, your ruler, enters Capricorn, gives you extra energy February 16th. Employ patience in your leadership style to get the most out of other people. With Jupiter sextile Neptune February 20, intuition is heightened and finances improve, though it’s not a good time to take on extra debt. March 4th, Mercury in retrograde leaves Pisces for Aquarius has you feeling that everything is moving too slowly. The new moon in Aries March 24th emphasis is on partnerships and how you participate as a partner.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Venus your ruler, ignites in fiery Aries February 7th, has you feeling very social making new friends and acquaintances. Others find you charming and opportunities for professional advancement increase. Mercury retrograde (Pisces February 16th and then Aquarius in March 4th) brings a need to clarify as misunderstandings abound. Avoid signing contracts after March 4th and postpone any final decisions till March 10th. Professional problems and flawed investing may plague you during the transit of Saturn in Aquarius beginning March 21st.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Jupiter, planet of good fortune, creates career opportunities and good fortune when Mars joins it in Capricorn February 16th. Investigate job offers. February is a time your body might be over-reactive. Plan meals carefully through the month. Mercury, your ruling planet goes retrograde February 16 in Pisces and March 4th in Aquarius. Look for communication fallout during these times. Love relationships reach new levels the beginning of March but may leave you feeling unbalanced towards the end of March.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) February, fortune knocks and offers you a chance to showcase your talents for the first couple weeks. Full moon in Leo February 9th has you feeling creative and energized. February 16th you are up for an advancement as Mars enter Capricorn and ignites your career. Postpone final decisions during Mercury retrograde February 16th through March 10th. Venus trine Jupiter in your career sector the end of March has you winning over competitors but may create challenges with work and home life balance during new moon in Aries March 24th.

Leo (July 23-August 22) Stuck conversations peak so it’s a great time to change your attitude as Venus sextile Pluto and Saturn February 2nd. Review conversations to make sure there are no blurred lines with the full moon in Leo February 9th. Tax or money issues center around a partner that failed to meet his/her obligations. Things will come to light but don’t sign anything during Mercury’s retrograde February 16th through March 10th. Things will get better after the full moon in Virgo March 9th. Tension at home and money issues in March has you doing repairs as Saturn moves into Aquarius March 21st.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) You have a change of heart and explore different options after February 13th when Venus squares Cancer. Your focus is on fun after so much hard work. Enjoy it with friends who help you celebrate. The full moon in Virgo March 9th makes it a day to celebrate. You are leaving obstacles behind and forging ahead. Look for insight from friend. Finish up projects after Mercury’s retrograde March 10th. Expansive Jupiter in Capricorn and Venus in Taurus March 28th hits your love cycle. The end of March is a time to review and repair anything left undone.

Libra (September 23-October 22) You might feel a lull as expenses mound, energy fades, and things seem out of control the beginning of February. Enjoy flirting or maybe love-at-first-sight during the transit of Venus, your ruling planet, in fiery Aries February 7th. Maybe it’s a past-life connect or a chance to fall in love all over again. Mercury’s retrograde from February 16th through March 10 denotes time to re-evaluate contracts or negotiate deals already in progress. Joint finances can leave you confused the middle of March.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) February has you looking at the goals you are working on especially those that give you freedom. Continue focus on home renovations and stay in this energy that allows creativity to flow. A move might be coming. Love is in the air as Venus transits in Aries February 7th. Find a way to express your desires. Getting to the details at work are important especially during Mercury retrograde February 16th through March 10th. You may decide to pull back on projects where little progress has been. Saturn in Aquarius March 21st is a great time to renew and repair.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) A meeting can lead to advancement the first 2 weeks of February. It’s all in how you present yourself. The sun with Jupiter’s infusion, March 11th favors doing things in big ways. Special emphasis is on family and changes that bring better ways to communicate with each other. Love relationships grow in mutual respect as Venus enter Taurus March 4th. Double check any plans during Mercury’s retrograde in Aquarius March 4th through the 10th. Evaluate options and look at other ways. Stay focused and actions will be rewarded.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) A sweeping new outlook will have others embracing transformation. Settle agreements February 2nd as Venus sextile Pluto and Saturn to avoid being misunderstood. February 24th a resurgence of energy helps you manifest you dreams for ultimate success. Business deals come to fruition and business reorganization brings time for action. March your organizational and leadership skills help direct fellow colleagues as Saturn enters Aquarius March 21st. You may see your life partner in a whole new light with the new moon in Aries March 24th.

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